
Welcome / Bienvenu@ / Bienvenid@ / Benvinguts-des

During the next months we'll publish here opinions and news on the development of the Interreg project SEMCLIMED, from the CIEF (Centro para la Investigación y Experimentación Forestal). The notices can be posted in English, French, Valencian/Catalonian and Castilian/Spanish
This is not a forum, but a way to express your opinions in a more directed style, coming from the Valeancian team of the project - so, it cannot substitute the main webpage of the project. Basic information can be found at the website http://www.ccb-sardegna.it/html/semclimed.htm

Remind that SEMCLIMED is a project developed by the network GENMEDOC, whose information can be consulted at http://www.genmedoc.org/