
Results of the IUCN workshop 'Species Vulnerability Traits'

The results of the IUCN workshop on effects of Climate Change 'Species Vulnerability Traits' (22-25 October 2007, Berkshire, UK) are available at the address:
To consult documents, background and position papers of the IUCN on this topic, please visitthe IUCN's Climate Change Initiative webpage, http://www.iucn.org/themes/climate/


Anonymous said...

This web address does not appear to work. Is there an updated address? I'd like to obtain the report. Thanks.

Emilio Laguna said...

Dear friend
Certainly, the announced results of the IUCN workshop on Species Vulnerability Traits were available for some while but they have vanished afterwords¡¡¡ The links are not operative, as you indicated. I suggest you to contact the workshop organizer, Dr. Ben Collen (please visit his webpage http://www.zoo.cam.ac.uk/ioz/people/collen.htm