
SEMCLIMED plantations goes on in Valencia

A specimen of Limonium mansanetianum planted in Villanueva de Castellon (Valencia), flowering by june 2008. © Emilio Laguna, 20.06.2008

The CIEF officers ongoes with the regular monitoring of plantations of several endemic and threatened species in gypsic steppes, made along the autumn of 2007. First results -still to be analized in deep during the next weeks- show that the endemic Limonium mansanetianum (CR-UICN, absolute endemic of gypsic areas in a reduced sector of the central counties of the province of Valencia, UTM quadrat 10x10 km 30S YJ 12) only survive on pure gypsum substrates -Triasic pink/grey marnes of the facies Keuper-; conparative plots made on edge habitats -contacting gypsum and calcic soils- failed severely. The effect of pot sizes, greenhouse substrata and plantlets age will be studied afterwords.
Some images of the plantation -made by early november 2007- and excellent images of L. mansanetianum are available at the webpages maintained by the enthusiastic, local naturalist and nature photographer José Mena: http://www.menanat.com/noticia.php?id=46 and http://www.menanat.com/noticia.php?id=47,

CIEF officers Inma Ferrando and Daniel Corral monitor the plantations of Limonium mansanetianum in Villanueva de Castellon (Valencia). © Emilio Laguna, 20.06.2008

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